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Projekt: Hesla Jednoty bratrské/2021/losungen2021.schema

Z Wikiverzity


-- ----------------------------------------------------------
-- MDB Tools - A library for reading MS Access database files
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Brian Bruns and others.
-- Files in libmdb are licensed under LGPL and the utilities under
-- the GPL, see COPYING.LIB and COPYING files respectively.
-- Check out http://mdbtools.sourceforge.net
-- ----------------------------------------------------------

-- That file uses encoding UTF-8

	[Datum]			DateTime NOT NULL, 
	[MonSpruch_Bibeltext]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[MonSpruch_Stelle]			Text (510), 
	[MonSpruch_Quelle]			Text (510), 
	[Gedenktage_Ek]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Ft1_Feiertag]			Text (510), 
	[Ft1_Bibeltext]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Ft1_Stelle]			Text (510), 
	[Ft1_Quelle]			Text (510), 
	[Ft2_Feiertag]			Text (510), 
	[Ft2_Bibeltext]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Ft2_Stelle]			Text (510), 
	[Ft2_Quelle]			Text (510), 
	[Los_Nummer]			Long Integer, 
	[Los_Vortext]			Text (510), 
	[Los_Bibeltext]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Los_Stelle]			Text (510), 
	[Los_Quelle]			Text (510), 
	[Lt_Vortext]			Text (510), 
	[Lt_Bibeltext]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Lt_Stelle]			Text (510), 
	[Lt_Quelle]			Text (510), 
	[Dt_Text]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Dt_Gesangbuch]			Text (510), 
	[Dt_Autor]			Text (510), 
	[Dt_Quelle]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Bibellese_1]			Text (510), 
	[Bibellese_2]			Text (510), 
	[Gedenktage_Ebu]			Memo/Hyperlink (255), 
	[Ft1_Lied]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Psalm]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Ev]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Ep]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_AT]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Pr]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Bl]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Lied]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Psalm]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Ev]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Ep]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_AT]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Pr]			Text (100), 
	[Ft2_Bl]			Text (100), 
	[Ft1_Pr-Reihe]			Text (100)