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Ukázat (20 předchozích | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
  • Acer Aspire One w: Acer Aspire one w:en: Acer Aspire One Modely, dodávané do ČR: A110 ZG5 D150 - procesor Intel Atom N280, disk 160 GB + volitelný modul…
    9 KB (1 058 slov) - 26. 12. 2013, 10:51
  • on looking at the original, but partly on the one in The Renaissance Dance Book, by Bernard Thomas and Jane Gingell, and partly on the one I learned from…
    4 KB (393 slov) - 9. 5. 2017, 10:51
  • how you always hurt the one you love. Well, it works both ways. We have front-row seats for this theatre of mass destruction. The Demolitions Committee…
    2 KB (202 slov) - 11. 4. 2024, 10:36
  • country about the size of Ireland or Portugal. It has population of 10.5 million people and has a long history of more than one thousand years. The countries…
    2 KB (279 slov) - 15. 7. 2014, 18:16
  • Acer Aspire One/Kychot = netbook Acer Aspire One, který pro potřeby rodiny získal dne 2009-05-08 uživatel Kychot (při nákupu křovinořezu Sparta 250 T v…
    20 KB (3 082 slov) - 7. 6. 2022, 10:33
  • program shows the watchwords (german: Losungen) for each day. The `Losungen' are words out of the bible, one from the Old and one from the New Testament…
    4 KB (495 slov) - 26. 6. 2022, 11:11
  • { ?event wdt:P580 ?date. } # od (počátek nějakého stavu) # but at least one of those FILTER(BOUND(?date) && DATATYPE(?date) = xsd:dateTime). # http://www…
    2 KB (244 slov) - 21. 4. 2020, 10:00
  • Handling login and logout: the basics Doing something with login and logout Real security Adding timestamps Migrations part one -- starting with a virtualenv…
    4 KB (364 slov) - 6. 7. 2023, 07:51
  • one https://coderseye.com/django-vs-flask Beginners are also recommended to use Flask because it is a great learning tool to manually learn the modules…
    3 KB (270 slov) - 25. 12. 2018, 16:19
  • CODING-SYSTEM does not specify one, CODING-SYSTEM is merged with the already-specified text conversion. However, if the optional prefix argument FORCE…
    5 KB (783 slov) - 15. 3. 2018, 09:16
  • signal = fread (rawfile, n_samples, "int16", 2); # left channel only; the right one is skipped fclose (rawfile); grid("on"); # plot (signal); # plot (signal…
    2 KB (214 slov) - 21. 4. 2020, 10:04
  • (Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces) http://bci.tugraz.at/ The BCI-Lab is one of the leading labs in brain-computer communication worldwide. It is…
    2 KB (210 slov) - 8. 1. 2014, 23:20
  • access messages stored in the Czech Data Boxes system (databox) The client provides access to multiple databoxes from one interface and also can be used…
    1 KB (103 slov) - 2. 1. 2022, 16:17
  • { key <RALT> { type[Group1]="ONE_LEVEL", symbols[Group1] = [ ISO_Level3_Shift ] }; }; // swap the caps lock key with the left control key partial modifier_keys…
    7 KB (549 slov) - 15. 2. 2010, 13:22
  • Asus Eee PC Malý notebook Acer Aspire One oficiálně Kdo si nakonec co pořídil: Jkl: Asus EEE 701 Kychot: mivvy m310 2009-05-08 Acer Aspire One/Kychot…
    18 KB (1 286 slov) - 31. 1. 2021, 14:37
  • toggleTalkPage  : Return the talk page (if this is one, return the non-talk page) get (*)  : The text of the page latestRevision (*)  : The page's current revision…
    15 KB (1 788 slov) - 21. 4. 2020, 10:02
  • music The General MIDI Specification does not directly support microtonal music, because each note-on and note-off message only represents one chromatic…
    5 KB (441 slov) - 26. 3. 2021, 03:30
  • directory containing the driver package and install the driver by running, as root, sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.102.run One of the last installation steps…
    7 KB (975 slov) - 21. 4. 2020, 10:06
  • Biophysics course. Now we would like to go one step further in teaching our students. But first we need to calculate the total price, then ask our faculty for…
    2 KB (320 slov) - 23. 3. 2023, 05:59
  • Swim Lesson - BreastStroke Breast Stroke All in one Clip Beginner's Guide to the Breaststroke How to Do the Breast Stroke How to Swim Breaststroke by JimmyDShea…
    3 KB (205 slov) - 14. 2. 2011, 09:01
Ukázat (20 předchozích | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).