Lékařská biofyzika/postery
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Příslušnost: všeobecná |
Seznam výukových posterů, sloužících k názornější prezentaci jednotlivých témat lékařské biofyziky, především těch, které jsou předmětem zkoušení studentů medicíny.
Prezentované postery jsou součástí seminární práce studentů 2. Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v prvním ročníku předmětu Biofyzika v zimním semestru akademického roku 2019/20.
Tým | č.otázky | Poster | Poznámka |
2J | P10 | Video: |
3A | 29 | Poster: ![]() |
3B | 3 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
To discuss it, please visit the nomination page.. Reason for the nomination: nahrazen novým souborem
To discuss it, please visit the nomination page. Reason for the nomination: Commons:Derivative works from non-trivial logo. |
3C | 1 | Poster: ![]() |
3D | 5 | Poster: ![]() |
To discuss it, please visit the nomination page. Reason for the nomination: Soubor byl nahrazen novou verzí
3E | 1 | Presentace: ![]() Překlad z článku Atomic models |
Tento soubor byl navržen na smazání od 2 prosinec 2019. Pokud se k tomu chcete vyjádřit, navštivte příslušnou diskusní stránku.
This deletion debate is now closed. Result: Kept: per COM:INUSE ("A media file that is in use on one of the other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation is considered automatically to be useful for an educational purpose") - is in use on Wikiversity. Text version might be better, but we don't prescribe other Wikimedia wikis what to use. --Gestumblindi (talk) 03:06, 14 December 2019 (UTC) |
3F | 4 | Poster: ![]() |
4G | 26 | Poster: ![]() |
4H | 12 | Poster: ![]() |
Soubor na Wikiskriptech je duplikátem souboru na Commons a tím pádem jej nelze jednoduše zobrazit, ani náhled ne! Nelze mít totožný soubor na obou úložištích, protože pak z toho vznikají zmatky. Viz Speciální:Hledání duplicitních souborů/Světelná_mikroskopie_K4H.pdf ---- Kychot (Petr Heřman, 2. LF UK) 3. 12. 2019, 10:35 (CET) |
4I | 10 | Poster: ![]() |
4J | 7 | Poster: ![]() |
4K | 30 | Poster: ![]() |
4L | 18 | Poster: ![]() |
5A | 10 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Výstraha z Commons: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (2 December 2019).
Add source information for this file |
5D | 25 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Výstraha z Commons: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (2 December 2019).
Add source information for this file |
6G | 5 | Poster: No file by this name exists, but you can upload it. |
6H | 2 | Poster:
Add source information for this file |
6I | 17 | Poster: ![]() |
6J | 12 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Výstraha z Commons: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (2 December 2019).
Add source information for this file |
6K | 7 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Výstraha z Commons:
Add source information for this file
To discuss it, please visit the nomination page. Reason for the nomination: Commons:Derivative works from non-free images. This is definitely case for first image. Some links do not point to terms of use. EugeneZelenko |
9A | 20 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Upozornění z Commons – prosím o nápravu: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (30 November 2019). --Kychot (diskuse) 2. 12. 2019, 06:01 (UTC) |
9B | 4 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
9D | 8 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
9F | 31 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Upozornění z Commons – prosím o nápravu: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (30 November 2019). --Kychot (diskuse) 2. 12. 2019, 06:01 (UTC) |
11A | 18 | Poster: | Commons:Deletion requests/
Zdroje uvedené na posteru (Wikiskripta, Wikipedia) musí být konkretizovány a přesné odkazy uvedeny v popisu (Summary) v řádce Source, jinak hrozí smazání z důvodu nedostatečně ozdrojovaného odvozeného díla. --Kychot (diskuse) 18. 12. 2019, 13:55 (UTC) |
11B | 4 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
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11C | 19 | Poster:
Vážné upozornění z Commons – prosím o okamžitou nápravu:
To discuss it, please visit the nomination page. Reason for the nomination: Commons:Derivative works from non-free images. |
11F | 14 | Poster: | Commons:Deletion requests/ |
12J | p4 | Poster: ![]() This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
Upozornění z Commons – prosím o nápravu: This file is a derivative work incorporating another work or works. While the source of this file has been identified, the source(s) of the incorporated work(s) is/are missing essential source information. The author and source of the incorporated work must be given so that the copyright status can be verified. Unless the source is given, the file can be speedily deleted seven days after this template was added and the uploader was notified: (30 November 2019). --Kychot (diskuse) 2. 12. 2019, 06:01 (UTC)
12J | 26 | Optika | |
12K | 18 | elektromagnetické ionizující záření | |
12I | 15 | Poster: This page has been deleted. The deletion, protection, and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
12IL | 4 | Poster: |