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Diskuse s uživatelem:Crochet.david

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Z Wikiverzity
Poslední komentář: před 9 lety od uživatele Juandev v tématu „Interwiki

New tamplates


Hi, can you stop to upload new templates in here? They are probably GFDL licensed, but we are heading to CC licensing.--Juan de Vojníkov 09:41, 6. 6. 2008 (UTC)

Request a bot


Hi, I would like to ask you, if you can make the following changes: we need to change the code of subpages PKR/ (i.e: PKR/latin name of plant):

  • line: | Life Cycle (jednoletky, dvouletky, trvalky) = change to: | Životnost (jednoletky, dvouletky, trvalky) =
  • line: | Okres Písek = change to: | Vojníkov =
  • line: | insect pollinated = change to: | opylování hmyzem =
  • line: | wind pollinated = change to: | opylování větrem =
  • line: | bird pollinated = change to: | opylování ptáky =
  • line: | water pollinated = change to: | opylování vodou =
  • line: | self pollinated = change to: | samosprašná =

Note that, there could stay somethink behind = which shouldnt been removed. Thank you! Hope it will not be a lot of work.--Juan de Vojníkov 29. 9. 2008, 08:00 (UTC)Odpovědět

 Hotovo Crochet.david 29. 9. 2008, 09:00 (UTC)Odpovědět

Thank you very much. Here are few more if you can:

  • -| armed (yes if armed) = +| obranné prostředky (napište a, existují-li) =
  • -| leaf complexity (simple, pinnately compound, palmately compound, trifoliate) = +| složitost listů (jednoduché, složité zpeřené, složité dlanité, trojčetné) =
  • -| leaf arrangement (opposite, alternate, whorled, basal only, none) = +| uspořádání listů (vstřícné, střídavé, přeslenité, pouze bazální, žádné) =
  • -| fruits present when flowering (yes if possible) = +| plody přítomny během kvetení (napište a, pokud tomu tak je) =

--Juan de Vojníkov 29. 9. 2008, 09:07 (UTC)Odpovědět

 Hotovo Crochet.david 29. 9. 2008, 11:39 (UTC)Odpovědět

Template done allready available


Hi, I have just translated the done template from Wikiversity Beta: Template:Hotovo. Hope find some simmillar images and could create simmillar templates:-)--Juan de Vojníkov 14. 10. 2008, 21:52 (UTC)Odpovědět



Hi as you are also editing cs.wv. I would like to ask you if you can double license your contributionts to GFDL and CC-BY-SA 3.0. Or offer your minor edits under means of PD license. This help us in the future with possible change to CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.--Juan de Vojníkov 21. 3. 2009, 09:27 (UTC)Odpovědět

So, can you help me to translate this template ? And no need to tell every body if it can do it because the CS.WV is under this licence : GNU Free Documentation License with the possibility of migration to CC-BY-SA 3.0... Crochet.david 21. 3. 2009, 09:37 (UTC)Odpovědět

Well, we understadn this migration as illegal within the Czech Republic, thats why we call users to double license their works. That is only legal way how to do it. Would you like to translate it to English or what language?--Juan de Vojníkov 21. 3. 2009, 09:59 (UTC)Odpovědět

What is the problem with the Czech Republic ? CS.WV have no relation with a country. It's only the Wikimedia Foundation decision. For the transaltion, just in the czech language. Crochet.david 21. 3. 2009, 16:21 (UTC)Odpovědět

Well Czech is mostly spoken in the Czech republic (10 mil people of about 12 mil. native speakers). So if we would like to be really open to our users why to offer them warez content, the content, which can run them to trouble. BTW, this licence change would be illegal also in U.S., where most servers are set.--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 3. 2009, 14:56 (UTC)Odpovědět

Huh, maybe less than one million lives abroad.--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 3. 2009, 14:58 (UTC)Odpovědět



The source is on the page, where pictures are used, the license is not there as we are missing license tags.--Juan de Vojníkov 6. 5. 2009, 15:43 (UTC)Odpovědět

Tagging for deletion


Hey, I appreciate your effort on seeking the files without licence, however, tagging them for deletion is useless. Please contact their author first before doing so. If they do not respond after a week time, then you can tag the files.

I wonder if you ever opened the PDF file you tagged yesterday. If you had, you would discover that it was clearly created by the author for the purposes of the Czech Wikiversity. As you don't know Czech language, feel free to contact me or any other admin, when you're not sure what to do. Thank you for your understanding. -- Mercy (|) 14. 6. 2009, 07:11 (UTC)Odpovědět

Pictures for deletion


Hi, before tagging files for deletion, it is better to inform and ask their author. Than when there is no longer responce, they can be marked for deletion.--Juan de Vojníkov 24. 1. 2010, 21:56 (UTC)Odpovědět

Last br edits


Hi am really unhappy with the last break edits as there are many pages where it should stay how it was. E.g. Studuji HTML (Juan) or Studuji webdesign s Molly E. Holszchlag (Juandev)|Studuji webdesign s Molly E. Holszchlag (Juan de Vojníkov).--Juan de Vojníkov 22. 2. 2010, 22:10 (UTC)Odpovědět

And not just break repairs! Why we should have here HTML 4.01 Strict tagging?!--Juan de Vojníkov 22. 2. 2010, 22:12 (UTC)Odpovědět
It's the parameter use by the source tag. For HTML code writing , the parameter is html4strict. To know all parameter use by this tag :
Crochet.david 23. 2. 2010, 08:06 (UTC)Odpovědět
And who said its HTML4Strict? Please, stop to do such edits.--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 2. 2010, 08:39 (UTC)Odpovědět
okCrochet.david 23. 2. 2010, 08:54 (UTC)Odpovědět

Your edits are problematic


As looking to your edits, can see time by time, there are more problematic edits. Such as this: [[1]]. It is wrong. I dont really understand why you are doing changes in the context (language) you dont understand? And I really wonder who will repair all those problematic pages?!--Juan de Vojníkov 22. 2. 2010, 22:29 (UTC)Odpovědět

Huh, this is wrong, from July 28, 2009: [2].--Juan de Vojníkov 22. 2. 2010, 22:56 (UTC)Odpovědět
[[wikipedia:Dog]] go to the english wikipedia page, as [[w:en:Dog]]. In the same wikibooks for the english wikibooks, etc.
[http:\\code.wikiversity.org/wiki/page text] is the same that [[:code:page|text]].
[[wiktionary:Hlavní strana|Wikislovník]] link to the page Hlavní strana in the english wiktionary
Crochet.david 23. 2. 2010, 08:15 (UTC)Odpovědět
But look at the history first, than explain in here.--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 2. 2010, 08:33 (UTC)Odpovědět
It was OK: [3].--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 2. 2010, 08:34 (UTC)Odpovědět
And the explanation to the first external link correction. See what is written there: Tudíž samozřejmě můžete použít externí odkaz, pokud chcete odkázat na článek pes na Wikipedii: pes či „V tomto kurzu se dozvíte vše o psech“. Jelikož je ale možné používat odkazy vnitřní, je lepší je nejen kvůli přehlednosti zdrojového kódu využívat. translated by Google translate: Thus, of course, you can use an external link if you want to refer to the dog in the Wikipedia article: dog or "In this course you will learn all about org / wiki / Dog dogs. Since it is also possible to use internal links, it is better not only because of the clarity of the source code to use.
It is a help page. See the ns number. And it is explaining how external links work showing that as an example. It sais, we can use external links to link other projects, but there is a better way using interwikilinking.
So I would recomend you, if you dont understand the language, do not repair the code inside, please. Leave this for people who undrestands the context.--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 2. 2010, 08:47 (UTC)Odpovědět
okCrochet.david 23. 2. 2010, 08:54 (UTC)Odpovědět

What is next?


Hi, I don't think that you can't use your bot, but please do not use it for syntax correction within the pages (e.g. interwiki linking is good). I dont think that everything was wrong, but I estimate around 10 % of buggy edits.

Now we will be checking your edits for the last aprox. 10 month, repairing them and taking back. We will need to contact original authors probably, so it will take some time.

I hope that we will be able to deploy you here what was exactly wrong, that you can see it and get a feedback:-)--Juan de Vojníkov 23. 2. 2010, 12:58 (UTC)Odpovědět

Thank you, but I'm still sorry to have created all these problems in mind to do my best, especially as I create more work for this. I thought to do well.Crochet.david 23. 2. 2010, 13:19 (UTC)Odpovědět

Well, so not to prolong it. It has been some time ago, we prepare the feedback and I was intending to have a look on your personall edits as they might be also wronge and in the same sence as the bots. But havent done it yet. So I think the problematic edits might be simillar from your user account as from your bot one. So I will prepare for you a summary from this: Wikiverzita:Boti/Problémové editace#User:Crochet.david.bot.--Juan de Vojníkov 28. 4. 2010, 09:35 (UTC)Odpovědět



Hi, I am sorry it took so long. I am here with feed back, that may help you to repair your syntax.

We assume that you are doing a really good work here on cs and really appreciate it. We also find out that the percentage of errors was not so high as i previously reported but probably less than 5 %. So we would like to thank you for the previous work and we hope, that you will repair the bot and you will continue to use it here.

The problems which risen can be divided into several categories which are probably overlapping. There are also different levels of precautions we call for. We assume that many of the problems listed bellow were because of misunderstanding of the context and some of them may be also real bugs. We are also willing to help you, if you will need a help from us. Now we are willing to enable Semantic MW, maybe it will help also to bots?

  • problems with entity replacements
  • forcing of HTML 4.01 Strict code
  • problems with tag replacements
  • links and interwiki links replacements
  • other

Problems with entity replacements


We found that entity replacements by special characters were from 95 % correct. There were a replacement of > by > in PHP codes. We assume that this might be a problem as it was explained to us and we think it is not desirable change. This problem risen here:

-->Maybe, when the bot will see *.php he will exclude such pages.

Similar problems risen in educational text and notes. In these texts it is explained which entity stay for which character. If entities are replaced for characters, such educational resource is useless (list not complete):

-->Could you tell the bot that, where stays entity for ampersand, not to change the entity behind?

But e.g. in the case of notes, I am not happy for any changes, because I do the notes myself using some way to remember it. So I would like to prohibit the bot work in them at all.

-->Can we help you to tag pages, some/all bot changes are not desirable?

Forcing of HTML 4.01 Strict code


Here rises the problem with forcing HTML 4.01 Strict code to every HTML looking like code to highlight it. We understand that there are no more HTML options for source tag, but we would prefer to extend source tag, than to have everywhere HTML 4.01 Strict. The question is if the way of highlighting all versions of HTML and XHTML is the sam?

Also here in the case of notes, I would exclude such pages from bots work: [4].

Problems with tag replacements


In this case we found a problem just with tag break. All the changes of break tag resulted in <br />. Once more, this might be a problem in educational text and notes, where we are explaining where <br>, <br/> or <br /> are used and what is a difference between them.

--><nowiki><br></nowiki> may help the bot to understand the change is not desirable there?

Here is important to say that <br/> and <br /> are in XHTML specification, while <br> is HTML 4.01 Strict specification. So such behavior is totally wrong:


Here it is generally fine, but some problems has risen. Probably because of errors in the syntax.

Replacement of URL link by interwiki link in educational texts and Help ns is usually incorrect:

  1. First step
  2. Second step --> total degradation of such text
-->Can we explain to the bot, that edits of some a user are correct?
-->Will SMW help bots to understand the context?

The other real error was found on these pages. It risen in the pages imported from Wikiversity Beta:

Lets see it in the track:

  1. removal of language code from interwiki link
  2. shortening of project name --> here rises the problem when, bot hadn't shorten project name starting with capital letter
  3. wrong redirection of link, which was not threatened in previous step
-->Maybe you should teach a bot to be case sensitive!



These are just the ideas, questions for the future or recommendations:

  • some of the previous problems and errors where done also by you manually --> so have a look also on your personal edits
  • we are not sure if we are happy that the bot works in ns user ([10]), ns user and especially user profiles has been understood by Czech community as place where other users usually dont edit
  • we are not sure if new formating without explanation is desired: [11]
  • we are not uniform to give bot flags for all future applied syntaxes or force user to announce every new syntax willing to use
  • we found that one operation is done in more steps. Then we think that conditions for every step may help the bot to do a good work

--Juan de Vojníkov 9. 8. 2010, 09:06 (UTC)Odpovědět

Request for bot work



can I ask you a favor? Would it be possible to:

--Juandev 20. 2. 2012, 14:29 (UTC)Odpovědět

Gee thx. And are you able to fix links, that we can mark those former pages for the deletion? Or do you recomend to leave those redirects?--Juandev (diskuse) 15. 4. 2012, 20:31 (UTC)Odpovědět

Hum, hard question to do the deletion or not. My think : delete only redirection which are not Co_odkazuje_na . Crochet.david (diskuse) 15. 4. 2012, 20:34 (UTC)Odpovědět

Well, than I assume it is better to leave them without deleting them. As there might be other projects linking here. We have user:Kychot, who is running his own wiki and he might be linking here.--Juandev (diskuse) 15. 4. 2012, 20:43 (UTC)Odpovědět

Request for work



could you perform following:

  1. for all pages within Kategorie:Rostliny projektu Kvetení rostlin
    1. replace verze (informace pro bota) = 8.4.25 by verze (informace pro bota) = 8.4.27 and:
    2. replace verze (informace pro bota) = 8.5.12 by verze (informace pro bota) = 8.5.13 and:
    3. replace Nová lokalita 21 by Chrustenice
    Running. Crochet.david (diskuse) 4. 6. 2012, 16:16 (UTC)Odpovědět
    Done.Crochet.david (diskuse) 4. 6. 2012, 16:42 (UTC)Odpovědět
  2. Could you also make a list of links to pages which has some data for (template starting with {{:
    1. Nová lokalita 1 =
    2. Nová lokalita 2 =
    3. Nová lokalita 3 =
    4. Nová lokalita 4 =
    5. Nová lokalita 5 =
    I don't know how to do. Sorry. Crochet.david (diskuse) 4. 6. 2012, 16:45 (UTC)Odpovědět

please?--Juandev (diskuse) 4. 6. 2012, 11:12 (UTC)Odpovědět

OK. Thank you!--Juandev (diskuse) 6. 6. 2012, 19:28 (UTC)Odpovědět

Request of a work



could you have a look on this, please? Thank you.--Juandev (diskuse) 21. 7. 2014, 08:09 (UTC)Odpovědět

Is it all?--Juandev (diskuse) 31. 7. 2014, 08:11 (UTC)Odpovědět
I think. Crochet.david (diskuse) 31. 7. 2014, 10:05 (UTC)Odpovědět

OK. Thank you very much.--Juandev (diskuse) 31. 7. 2014, 10:28 (UTC)Odpovědět




I am not sure if the interwiki of this page is correct. It links e.g. to en:Topic:CSS, which is CSS, but something different. I would link there Kaskádové styly, which is our main page for CSS, while that subpage might be one of many. What do you think?

I understand, that at the times, there where no main Kaskadove styly page, this was maybe logic, the closest match, but recently the community think, that such pages should become a subpages of a main page, which will have the name after the topic.

On the other side, its probably styl early to try to make here any changes in iw, due to the fact, we havent move all those pages to disambiguation (which in fact will be equality to en Topic pages).--Juandev (diskuse) 21. 8. 2014, 19:40 (UTC)Odpovědět

If you think that interwiki are bad, do not hesitate to remove it. Perhaps there are errors. A robot is, first, an idot. Crochet.david (diskuse) 21. 8. 2014, 20:10 (UTC)Odpovědět

--Juandev (diskuse) 21. 8. 2014, 20:23 (UTC)Odpovědět