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Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala





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Nejde obrazovka


Dost nepříjemný problém. Po zalogování, když zvolím GNOME, tak chvíli běhá ta čára přes obrazovku (jako že se něco děje) a pak se objeví pouze šedé kořenové okno s kursorem myši a jinak vůbec nic, na nic to jinak nereaguje. Když dám Ctrl-Alt-Del, tak chvíli nic, pak tam na chvíli problikne jakoby normální prostředí GNOME a pak se to resetuje.

Když pro zalogování zvolím GNOME failsafe, tak to prostředí GNOME najede normálně. Zrovna tak, když zvolím manažer fvwm. Tak co s tím?

forum, google aj.



Občas se někomu stane, že dojde k situaci, kdy má jen bílou obrazovku z kursorem myši, ale moc užitečných rad se tam člověk nedozví. Nevím, co je to failsafe mode, jak se to liší, jen tuším že tam nejsou zapnuté nějaké video efekty, ale v jakém módu ta grafárna přitom vlastně běží jsem nikde nenašel.

google: "failsafe site:gnome.org"

Tu volbu nabízí GDM, ale o GDM (en:w: GNOME Display Manager) toho moc nevím. Na GDM website http://projects.gnome.org/gdm/ není skoro nic. Další info nabízí:

ale tam v podstatě také nic není.

Koukám do file:///etc/gdm , ale moc moudrý z toho také nejsem, nic, co by mohl konfigurovat nějaký blbý uživatel a z čeho by bylo na první pohled zřejmé, co se v tom failsafe módu vlastně děje.

Naproti tomu, když se podívám do /etc/gnome , tak tam nenacházím skoro vůbec nic. Kam si to GNOME ukládá takové ty věci, jako pozadí pracovní plochy, efekty atd?

Když se podívám do /etc/X11/xorg.conf , tak v sekci screen tam oproti minule tam v sekci "Screen" přibyla trochu podezřelá podsekce:

   SubSection "Display"
              Virtual 1024 1368

Nakonec po nabootování generického jádra 2.6.31-15 se to vyřešilo.

Poblikává jas obrazovky


Je to nepříjemná chyba, postihující některé notebooky, např. MSI Wind a tím pádem i Mivvy m310. Viz bug 415023.

Obezličky (workarounds) (následuje několik citací z řešení problému jinými autory, celé vlákno má přes 160 příspěvků):

  • Felix Geyer wrote on 2009-10-20: #26

I think the solution is to add a hal rule to set laptop_panel.brightness_in_hardware = true for the MSI Wind U100.

  • Giulio Franco wrote on 2009-10-25: #53

I confirm what I said: stopping the notify-osd daemon solves the problem.

  • Christian A. Reiter wrote on 2009-10-25: #54

No. "killall notify-osd" helps nothing on my Wind 100. notify-osd and gnome-power-manager suck about 20-30% CPU each while flickering is there. killing gnome-power-manager stops the flickering. But this is just a silly workaround.

  • Guido Berhoerster wrote on 2009-10-27: #65

A possible workaround to avoid the flicker (at least in my case) is to disable kernel modesetting,

  • Guido Berhoerster wrote on 2009-10-28: #80

Please read comment 37, comment 65 and comment 69. The problem has been completely triaged, the MSI Wind handles brightness through the BIOS BUT each change of brightness levels also emits a keypress event which is then handled by gnome-power-manager, powerdevil, or xfce4-power-manager. ... There is actually a workaround for the second issue (the flickering people report over and over) and that is disabling kernel modesetting by passing nomodeset to the kernel at boot time.

  • yze wrote on 2009-10-29: #84

My 'workaround' is to set the brightness level in 'System-Preferences-Power Management' to '0 %'.



As a workaround, users can add the option nomodeset to the kernel boot options in the grub config (for GRUB 2: edit /etc/default/grub and add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, then run sudo update-grub; for GRUB 1: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add nomodeset to the line beginning with # kopt=, then run sudo update-grub), to disable the use of KMS. (395932)

  • Nadav Halwany wrote on 2009-11-01: #118

Using "nomodeset" parameter, makes desktop interface in netbook-remix very slow (unusable)

Benjamin Wild wrote on 2009-11-09: #140

  • The best workaround i found so far is to just use xfce4-power-manager instead of gnome-power-manager. There's no flickering and power saving features are working as far as i can tell. Not sure about suspending and hibernating, though.
  • Beni Cherniavsky wrote on 2009-11-27: #167

Another workaround (worked for me on MSI Wind): execute:

xrandr --set BACKLIGHT_CONTROL legacy

(I added it to Preferences -> Startup Applications.) It changes the way the intel driver controls the hardware, somehow avoiding the feedback loop.

  • knuutsen wrote on 2009-12-05: #178

For me i worked out a workaround, to get the flicker away but replaced gnome-power-manager with the guidance-power-manager from kde. It's fully working in all aspects of a power - manager. This workaround is a little bit tricky. So i will make a film and upload him to youtube:

Komentář k bugu


Long time I did not upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 because of the workaround of this bug I used was simple: To click on "Applications" icon in the Gnome panel when the screen flickering occurs. But this workaround does not work on the Ubuntu 11.04 or higher. But the reliable Ubuntu 10.10 is not supported now so the upgrade is necessary.

So now when upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 the flickering continues and I didn't find another workaround to fix it. Even if I choose the old Gnome environment and not Unity.

I have the Czech netbook "Mivvy m310" which is the clone (branch) of the MSI Wind U100 but its HW and also BIOS is not fully identical to the original MSI netbook and the manufacturer of the Mivvy strongly not recomends the BIOS upgrade using the original MSI BIOS.

What should I do? Most workarounds in this thread are obsolete and not working for Ubuntu 12.04. So from my point of view this bug is not fixed yet.

Probably this bug occurs now not in the gnome-power-manager but in gnome-settings-daemon. The only workaround I found is to find the ID of this process and kill it:

ps aux | grep /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon kill -HUP id

The flickering vanishes, the daemon restarts itself but sometimes some other parts of the GNOME environment are injured (for example some icons on the panel, the background color etc.) But in all cases there is no way to control the brightness of the LCD – it remains the same i.e. low. So the netbook is usable in the darkness only.

I attach the screenshot: see the flickered brightness icon on the right upper corner. The icon on the top of the left panel shows that the load of processor goes to the maximum. And the icon of the CPU1 frequency (the 3-rd from the top on the left panel) vanishes.

I think this bug should be again reopened.

Attachment: Screenshot when the bug occurs (gnome2 environment + fvwm2 window manager)


Zabití gnome-settings-daemon


Když mi to nejde jinak, zkouším alespoň zabít toho démona:

killall gnome-settings-daemon

ale on se stejně vždycky nastartuje znova. Tak najdu

sudo -e /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-settings-daemon.desktop
Change X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true to X-GNOME-AutoRestart=false
Save. Does log out/log in suffice? Not sure. Maybe just reboot for simplicity.

Ale on stejně zase naběhne znova.