Uživatel:Juandev/Blog/Teemu a tým doporučuje

Z Wikiverzity

(26. srpna 2009)

Dovoluji si vybrat z následujícího díla ([1]) některá doporučení pro Wikiverzitu:

  1. People first. „The aim of the Wikipedia community is to create the world’s best, free, multilingual encyclopedia. The focus in on content. In the case of a free school, the focus on content could mean that the school’s objective would be to create the world’s best school library. In a similar way, the free school’s objective of offering people possibilities to develop as human beings — to fulfill their psychological, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs — is not the main objective of Wikipedia, though it obviously has this effect on many lives, too. Still, the aim is to make an encyclopedia. In Wikiversity it should be different and make its community members the center of its activities in order to ultimately assist individuals to develop and grow.“
    1. A jak na to?
  2. Classes. - tento bod mluví o struktuře hodiny a nemám co bych k němu řek
  3. Social interventions. „The Wikiversity community should actively recognize groups that would most benefit from further developments in the diversity of offerings in Wikiversity. Indeed Wikiversity should be pro–active in reaching new audiences, such as those with reduced opportunities for education. In free and liberal education, the focus is on those who have less favorable combinations of circumstances in their lives and in society. Wikiversity can assist the disadvantaged in a variety of roles much like free and liberal education has served social change globally.“ - proto jsme vznikly
  4. Communication tools. „Wikiversity needs to diversify its suite of options for communication. Integration of free/libre VoIP online conference tools would open Wikiversity to group work, assisting a larger number of individuals in creating additional content and offerings online.“ - za to bojujem, ale nikdo nás neslyší
  5. Transparency of authorship. „In the case of Wikipedia the idea of developing content without visible attrbibution as a collaboratively edited system makes sense. In the case of Wikiversity this does not make sense. With classes it will be more important for participants to literally know other participants and their instructors.“ - to se snad nechá jednoduše zařídit
  6. Freedom of point of view, non–verifiability and original research. „Participants should be encouraged to use unconventional forms of communication and representations of knowledge including music, dance, paintings, and poetry.“ - no, to zní taky zajímavě--Juandev 26. 8. 2009, 19:23 (UTC)