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Mozilla Firefox/Kychot

Z Wikiverzity

Mozilla Firefox/Kychot



Extense, které má nainstalované User:Kychot

  • DjVu.js Viewer – Opens links to .djvu files. Allows opening files from a local disk. Processes <object> & <embed> tags.
  • Facebook Container – Facebook Container odděluje vaše prohlížení Facebooku od prohlížení zbytku webu a brání tím Facebooku, aby vás sledoval pomocí mechanismu cookies třetích stran.
  • Save Page WE – Save a complete web page (as curently displayed) as a single HTML file that can be opened in any browser.
  • Tab Reloader (page auto refresh) – An easy-to-use tab reloader with custom reloading time settings for individual tabs
  • Emacs/wiki#Textern – Edit text in your favourite external editor!
    • předvolby:
      • External editor: ["emacs", "+%l:%c"]
      • Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+D
      • Document extension: txt
  • Video DownloadHelper – Download Videos from the Web
  • Zoom Redirector – Zoom Redirector transparently redirects any meeting links to use Zoom's browser based web client.
  • Zotero Connector – Save references to Zotero from your web browser
  • ReloadMatic – Automates periodic reloading of browser tabs.(zakázané)