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Diskuse s uživatelem:Arseny1992

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Poslední komentář: před 15 lety od uživatele Juandev v tématu „Welcome



Hi Arseny1992, welcome to the Czech Wikiversity. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me. Best regards, -- Mercy (|) 4. 12. 2009, 08:00 (UTC)Odpovědět

For now, one question: Is there an embassy available for foreign language speakers? --Arseny1992 5. 12. 2009, 12:16 (UTC)Odpovědět
Unfortunately not, but I would say that all admins are enough skilled with English language to be able to help you. So, how we can help you?--Juandev 5. 12. 2009, 20:52 (UTC)Odpovědět
And well, we might be able to operate in some Russian too.--Juandev 5. 12. 2009, 20:53 (UTC)Odpovědět