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Analýza zvuků

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Analýza zvuků

Accordeur (tuner) Instrument tuner. It can help you to tune a piano, a guitar ... Accordeur displays spectrum and calculates the pitch really played. A visual bar allows an easy tuning. Instruments and temperaments are customizable. 1.0.2 = 5 - Production/Stable (Oct 24 2006) GPL C, C++ Windows, all POSIX, OS X, OS Portable
Alsanyser (alias Analyser) This project will try to develop an audio analyser which displays several informations as phase in 2 ways (1 dimensional and 2 dimensional), waves shapes, spectrogram in full range and by 1/3 octavia with the value of the current peak frequency, and meter 0.9 = 4 - Beta GPL C++ POSIX
AUDio MEasurement System AUDio MEasurement System - multi-platfrom system for audio measurement through sound card in the PC. Incorporates Generator, Oscilloscope, FFT, Sweep frequency characteristic. Now it can be compiled and works under MSWindows and Linux. 4 - Beta GPL C++ Win + POSIX
Audio to midi converter Audio to Midi converter, under octave, it only supports wav, but I pretend it to accept another files. I want to improve it to polyphonic. 0.2.15 = 4 - Beta GPL OS-indep.
BRP-PACU A cross platform dual channel FFT based Acoustic Analysis Tool to help engineers analyze live professional sound systems using the transfer function. One feature is the ability to capture four sample plots, average them, and invert to aid in final EQ. 2.0.7 = 4 - Beta GPL C Linux
clam A music and audio processing library. 4 - Beta GPL C++ Linux
Cochleal, a Psychoacoustic Toolbox A set of tools for psychoacoustic research. Initially implemented: * correlograms (and sonograms too) * Lyons' cochlear model * impulse-domain transform using FIR filters (and inverse transform) 2 - Pre-Alpha GPL Assembly, C, Perl POSIX
Continuous wavelet transform A command-line tool for applying the continuous wavelet transform with respect to predefined wavelets to sampled data. 0.1 = 5 - Production/Stable BSD C++ POSIX
Dan's Tuner Dan's Tuner is a program to tell you if you are playing a pitch in tune. 0.83 = 4 - Beta (2003) GPL C++ Win + POSIX
DataTime Process Framework The DataTime Process Framework is intended to support the processing of time-based data in a modular, concurrent, distributed and extensible manner. C++, using YARP, ACE, Qt and MUSCLE on Linux, OSX, Windows and Solaris. 1 - Planning (2005) AFL C++ Linux, OS X
didgmo didgmo is a software for DIDGeridoo sound MOdeling. didgmo is capable of predicting the sound characteristica of a didgeridoo by providing its inner geometry. didgmo uses the method of acoustic transmission line modeling. : 3 - Alpha zlib C Unix
Fastest Convolution in the Emirates FCE stands for Fastest Convolution in the Emirates and is a utility set to perform various types of convolution in the shortest possible time. 2 - Pre-Alpha GPL Assembly, C OS indep.
FFT Spectra, [1] FFT Spectra is a tool for visualization of frequency spectra of an audio signal. What is it good for? For instance, you can verify whether you are able to sing and whistle in-tune or tune your guitar. 1.3 = 5 - Production/Stable (2006) GPL C Linux
FourierRocks. A WAV file comparison tool FourierWorks is a graphical tool intented to sound-compare 2 WAV files. It's great to compare Codec performance/loss, dynamic alterations, ecc.Is supports Time Domain analyse and Fourier FFT Spectrum analyse. Automatically trims and overlaps files. 1.0.0 = 5 - Production/Stable (2007) GPL C# Windows only
glfer A waterfall spectrum display and QRSS/DFCW TX control. 5 - Production/Stable (2008) GPL C Linux
Groovy Tuner Will start off as a guitar tuner and move up to tune any instrument available in midi. Will generate the correct tones as well as listen to a sample and suggest tuning adjustments (sharp, flat). 1 - Planning Apache Groovy, Java
GWave analyzer Gwave Analyzer is a little program for Linux which allows you to visualize and analyze a RIFF WAVE file. The special characteristic of gwave is the ability to extract the melody from the WAV file. The melody is saved in MIDI format. 1.0 = 5 - Production/Stable (2001) GPL C POSIX
HASAS HASAS (HydroAcoustic Signal Analysis System) is a modular system for passive sonar signal analysis. It can be used for biological research or surveillance, for example. The soundcard is used as input device, and it currently includes all the very basic fu 7 - Inactive (2006) GPL C++ POSIX
Hildegard Hildegard is a music theory engine that will analyze music based on various theoretical systems. Users can stick to common theoretical systems or write their own with an extension language. 0.0 = 3 - Alpha (2003) GNU Lisp OS indep.
jack oscrolloscope 4 - Beta (2003) GPL Python POSIX
Java Just Intonation Calculator This is a Java Just Intonation Calculator. It allows users on many platforms to calculate and hear just tunings. It will support saving and opening tunigs and opening spreadsheet documents and allow users to send tunings to their synthesizers, via MIDI 3 - Alpha GPL Java OS indep.
jMIR jMIR is intended for use in music information retrieval research involving the study of music in both audio and symbolic formats. The jMIR suite includes software for performing feature extraction, applying data mining algorithms and managing metadata. 1.0 = 3 - Alpha (2007) GPL Java OS indep.
Kiss FFT A Fast Fourier Transform based up on the principle, "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Kiss FFT is a very small, reasonably efficient, mixed radix FFT library that can use either fixed or floating point data types. v1_2_8 = 5 - Production/Stable (2008) BSD C Unix
MLS library Maximum Length Sequence and Sinusoid Sweep response measurement library that uses the soundcard to measure loudspeakers and electrical systems. 0.3 = 3 - Alpha (2004) GPL C++ POSIX
inuxheartmonitor A collection of utilities for ECG and EKGs. (2006) GPL C++ Linux
Loris Loris is a library for sound analysis, synthesis, and morphing, developed by Kelly Fitz and Lippold Haken at the CERL Sound Group. Loris includes a C++ class library, Python module, C-linkable interface, command line utilities, and documentation. 1.5.3 = 5 - Production/Stable (2009) GPL C, C++, Python POSIX, OS X
marsyas Marsyas (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals) is a framework for developing systems for audio processing. It provides an general architecture for connecting audio, soundfiles, signal processing blocks and machine learning. 0.2.19 = 3 - Alpha (2009) GPL C++, Java POSIX, Win, OS X
MAT A fast, simple method of establishing musical genre of arbitrary compressed audio files calculated by comparisons with training sets. Program currently consists of a java console program. GUI front end, algorithm upgrades to come. 0.2.1 = 2 - Pre-Alpha (2003) GPL Java OS indep.
MATAA (Mat's Audio Analyzer) MATAA (Mat's Audio Analyzer) is a flexible and versatile audio analysis system based on Matlab or GNU Octave. MATAA uses the computer soundcard for the input and output of test signals. 4 - Beta (2008) GPL Matlab, Octave
MATIMBRE: a Timbre Toolbox for Matlab The Matimbre Toolbox for use with Matlab is a collection of functions which aim to provide tools for timbre analysis. The toolbox supports a wide range of timbre descriptors characterizing either temporal, spectral or spectro-temporal aspects of sounds. 4 - Beta GPL Matlab OS indep.
MFFM pitch algorithm Find the pitch of a power spectrum (signal) as per the afferent/efferent neural crossover. This occurs between the Lateral olivocochlear efferents and the inner hair cell afferents. v1.1 = 4 - Beta (2002) GPL Matlab?? OS indep.
Modular Audio Recognition Framework MARF is a general cross-platform framework with a collection of algorithms for audio (voice, speech, and sound) and natural language text analysis and recognition along with sample applications (identification, NLP, etc.) of its use, implemented in Java. 0.3.0-devel = 4 - Beta, 5 - Production/Stable BSD IDL, Java, Perl, Unix Shell OS indep.
PAMGUARD The PAMGUARD project develops software to help detect, locate and classify marine mammals using Passive Acoustic Monitoring. Beta 1.3.02 GPL Java OS Portable
Sonic Visualiser Sonic Visualiser is an application for inspecting and analysing the contents of music audio files. It combines powerful waveform and spectral visualisation tools with automated feature extraction plugins and annotation capabilities. v1.5 = 4 - Beta GPL C++ Windows, all POSIX (=Linux aj.), OS X
Vamp audio analysis plugin API Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data. 0.1 = 5 - Production/Stable BSD C, C++ Windows, all POSIX
SoundRuler SoundRuler is a tool for acoustic analysis, graphing and teaching. It interactively recognizes and measures 35 temporal and spectral properties of each sound in a file. It also features several measurement, graphing and didactic modules. = 4 - Beta GPL C, MATLAB Windows, all POSIX, OS X
ViGiL ViGiL is supposed to be a platform-independent tool for singing students. In it's final version it should be able to analyze a voice recording (read from audio file or microphone) and compare it to a given score according to melody, rhythm and dynamics. 7 - Inactive GPL C Windows, all POSIX